Home » Website Launch

Website Launch

As the text on the top of the homepage states, welcome to my website! While it’s actually been active since some point in December 2019, I’ve finally got to the point where I feel like I can remove the ominous “PLEASE PARDON OUR APPEARANCE, THIS WEBSITE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION” banner!

But, so it’s known, there are some additional features coming in the near future, most significantly the ability to sign up for a mailing list. I promise that this free subscription won’t bombard your email with spam nor will you be added to yet another robocall list – by signing up you’ll get infrequent updates to various products as as well as an occasional flash or micro-fiction for your entertainment. By infrequent I mean, at the most, twice a month. If I don’t have anything to say that I think is worth your time or inbox space, you won’t be getting anything. Cross my heart, swear to die.

So, once again, welcome to my website and thanks for your support. And stay tunes, because I will have some exciting news for you in the next several weeks!
