If it weren’t for a handful of excellent critique partners who somehow manage to tromp through the early drafts of my work (sometime two or three times) picking apart the language, plot, pacing, character development, and the dreaded grammar, I highly doubt I’d have anything published. Likewise, I’ve had the pleasure to work with them—and others—on their own projects and become immersed within their worlds. Their books are excellent and deserve to be read.
Listed here are the home pages and (for those without) books that have been published by my various Critique Partners, either those that have helped me or I’ve helped them. Now it’s your turn to get lost in their worlds.
You’re welcome.
In the words of Monty Python and the Flying Circus, “And now for something completely different.” Here’s several more recommendations that have nothing to do with books—two Twitch channels. “But why?!” you may ask. “But why not?!” I fervently reply. The first is for BlueDahliaGames, who narrates my Macy Blush Collection series, and the second is Damouse15, a close friend who uses a white on black drawing I did for him as his loading screen. ‘Nuff said.