This short novelette has been released to the wilds of Amazon! A parody/satire/comedy mashup of an 80s romance novel and a LitRPG gone wrong, The Wizard’s Staff is a cringe-fest of corny RPG and DnD jokes and puns with a large helping of romance clichés! I’ve been told I’m a horrible person for writing it, and I’m taking that as a compliment!
Oh, and guess what? It will be FREE to purchase from tomorrow, March 21st, to March 25th! Today, and after this promotional period, it’ll be 99cents to buy, but will remain free on Kindle Unlimited. Click here to be directed to its Amazon page!

Joining Adhemar
In case you missed it last week, my 43-line historical poem based on the early crusades has been released as part of MTSU’s third volume of SHIFT Magazine! You can purchase the digital publication for $12, simply click here to be directed there!
Writing Updates
- Gnats – released on Amazon!
- Sinkhole – roughly 50% complete with house edits.
- Colorblind – CP edits complete, waiting to start house edits.
- Stoneface – Alpha draft roughly 75% complete.
The Macy Blush Collection
- The Wizard’s Staff – released on Amazon!
- The Wizard’s Tower – first 2 chapters written.
Short Stories
- Final Battle of the Third Sphere – will be included in The Common Tongue, vol.3.
- Reach for the Stars – will be featured in Volume Stories later this year.
- “Joining Adhemar” – Released in SHIFT magazine, vol.3!
If you haven’t already, be sure to sing up for my newsletter! You’ll receive information like this before anybody else and have access to exclusive content – including my short story “The Nature of Gnats,” a companion to my Allodasos series. It’s written in the style of a translated 16th century manuscript and delves deeper into the magic of the universe. Click here to sign up for the newsletter.
As always, thank you for your support and stay safe and well!
P.S. If you read Gnats or The Wizard’s Staff, please consider leaving a rating and review on their Amazon and/or Goodreads page. Works without ratings or reviews are often overlooked for books with them. I know I’ve got readers out there, I can see plenty of downloads – don’t be part of the 95% of people that don’t leave ratings – yes, only 5% of readers bother to do it!